Overhead Crane MRC 10T Capacity: Exclusive Australian Distributor

NSW,QLD,VIC - Delivers Nationally
$50,000 AUD

($55,000 Inc. GST)

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Overhead Crane MRC 10T Capacity: Exclusive Australian Distributor :      $50,000 AUD ($55,000 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    Max Lift Height (m):
    Sellers stock ID:

    High Quality, Fast Delivery, Professional Design to ISO & Australian Standards

    50 Years of Australian Engineering combined with the production power of Nante Crane Components to meet your every need.

    END USERS - We'll have the crane delivered to site and connect you with a trusted local service company to install and maintain

    SERVICE COMPANIES - We'll open the door for you to be able support your client with a high quality product that lands on your door step

    We've done the work for you to make sure everything is made to ISO and Australian Standards so you can get producing.

    The “View Brochure” button on this advertisement allows you to download our detailed enquiry form. This form will help you indicate what you require, so we can streamline the service we offer you. Please take the time to complete the form and send it to us using the contact details on the form. Or – you may contact us directly off this advertisement. We welcome your business.

    Crane LDX1T-20T as per the following specifications:
    Crane Load: 1600kg, 3200kg, 5000kg, 6300kg, 10,000kg, 12500kg, 16000kg, 20000kg
    Span: TBC
    Hoisting Height: 6m-24m available
    Crane Class: A5 M5
    Hoist/Trolley Model: NHA
    Hoist Motor: SEW
    Load Limiter: Yes.
    Data Logger: Yes. (Option)
    Hoisting Speeds: 4.2/0.7 m/min DOL
    Trolley Speeds: 20/5 m/min Inverter
    Crane Speeds: 32/8 m/min Inverter
    Main Girder Type: Can vary to your requirements
    Travel/Traverse Limit: Yes, slow down/stop. Die Cast Al. IP66
    Control: Remote c/w spare if required
    Supply Voltage: 415V 3ph 50Hz
    Control Voltage: 48V
    Protection/Class: IP55 / “F”
    Environment: Indoor / Non-Aggressive
    Finish: Class 2.5 Shot Blast, 2 pack Epoxy - Hempel brand.

    Moving forward NANTE crane components won’t break the bank account to supply new cranes, hoists & necessary parts when required.

    NANTE hoists are fitted with Hoist SEW motors & Gearboxes, Trolley drive SEW inverter, motor & gearbox & Hoist are Schneider contactors, Working limits, Ultimate limit, Load pin load limiting & data logger.

    We also can supply fabricated runways & complete crane kits built specifically for your site in a shipping container.

    Example: Shipping container arrives onsite - Install new 10t SG crane & commissioned. 3 days 2 technicians

    • Assemble instructions provided.
    • We can arrange contractor to quote your site to assemble crane, install & commission.
    • Unload crane out of container with the use of the OHC or forklift.
    • Assemble the crane – Hand tools & tension bar.
    • Fit C Track the electrics. Cables fit to Switch Board by plugs.
    • Fit remote control – if necessary
    • Fit anti-collision targets on existing crane if necessary.
    • Fit LT slowdown & stop strikers if necessary.
    • Function test prior to installing onto runway.
    • Franner crane & dogman to lift crane onto runway if necessary.
    • Supply access equipment to install crane if necessary.
    • Fit 3 phase + earth collectors supplied with crane kit.
    • Function test, load test & commission crane.

    If you need a new crane - you've come to the right place.

    All that's left to do is send our team a message or give Michael from Hydromech a call today!

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